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Google Search redirect from Yahoo! Search
08/30, 2012
Yahoo検索したあと、Googleでの検索結果も見たいってとき、ありますよね?ね?そんなときにさっと、Google検索出来るボタンが画面上部にあれば便利だなって思いませんか?思いますよね?僕は思いました。 |
32 |
Improve Reddit for Smartphone
03/22, 2012
Makes Reddit be easy to view with a smartphone. |
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02/20, 2018
5ch&BBSViewser |
34 |
Linkify Plus+
02/29, 2012
Turn plain text URLs into links. Supports http, https, ftp, ttp, email addresses. |
35 |
Always New Tab for YJ
03/23, 2012
Makes each link on a search result page of Yahoo! JAPAN be always opened with a new tab. |
Extension development