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Hatebu for Bing
03/15, 2012
Displays a count of Hatena Bookmark for each link on a search result page of Bing. |
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Amazon.com Shipping and Postage Checker
07/17, 2013
This extension is able to check shipping and postage confirmation of Amazon products in the United States. |
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Hatebu for Google
03/15, 2012
Displays a count of Hatena Bookmark for each link on a search result page of Google. |
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Hatebu for YJ
02/29, 2012
Displays a count of Hatena Bookmark for each link on a search result page of search.yahoo.co.jp. |
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Delicious Counter for Bing
03/23, 2012
Displays a saved count with Delicious for each link on a search result page of Bing. |
Extension development